Boerne Sunrise

Hungry Horse Restaurant 7:00 AM 109 Saunder St. Boerne, TX 78006
Mailing Address:
PO BOX 1311
Boerne, TX 78006
Rotary People of Action

Boerne Sunrise Rotary 2021 Patriot BBQ
For more information
Proceeds from the event will support local charities including Kendall County
Women’s Shelter, Hill Country Daily Bread, Boerne ISD AFROTC, local veteran’s
organizations as well as scholarships for graduating seniors from BISD.
Raffle tickets may be purchased online until October 8th or at the event. The
raffle drawing will be held at the event at 4:30 p.m. Ticket holders need not be
present to win. Raffle items can be found on the Patriot BBQ web page.
Tickets can also be purchased from the
following partnering organizations:
Winston School Interact
Boerne Champion High School Interact
Boerne High school AG Club
Boerne ISD AFROTC Club
Boerne VFW